CH Wild Amber Amavi

Wild Amber is the gorgeous part of my golden line in every way. She has the sweetest character, always wanting to cuddle. Her coat has much warmth from light peach to deep golden.She has a high spirit and loves to talk to me.
Her pedigree is full with strong types, famous Russian bloodlines and many champions. Crown of Siberia, Amurin, Taurus, Valenvic, Sibaris, Onix Gloria ...... and those lynx ears. Wild Amber ist Teil meines traditionellen Zuchtprogramms, nur 1 Neva in der 10. Generation.

Geboren: 17-3-2015 FeLV / FIV: negativ
Farbe: black tabby blotched (n 22) DNA: unbekannt
Stammbaum PKD / CIN / Leber: negativ/normal
HCM: normal (14-7-2016)

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Show Ergebnisse:
16/17-4-2017 Nieuwegein (NL) 2x EX1 mit 2x CAC
10/11-6-2017 Almere (NL) EX1 mit CAC, damit Champion (CH), EX1 mit CACIB
16/17-9-2017 Nieuw-Vennep (NL) EX1 mit CACIB